Finish What You Started

   As most of you know, I’m back in Lakeside Montana- for the next TWO years! I am now on staff in the DTS (discipleship training school)department! I’m being trained in admissions, helping with different projects on campus, and beginning to understand how leadership on the campus functions!

    During this last season of finishing up SBS in Baker City, Jesus was really challenging me to view that time as a launching season rather than just a time of transition. I see it now! I had two months to grow deeper with my family, prepare for MT, and trust Jesus to keep doing what He started! 

>> ALSO I’m so encouraged and excited to announce that I am 99% funded!! How about that- in the middle of a pandemic, Jesus still made a way. He is so good!

    Over the next few weeks I’ll find out if I’m staffing the fall or winter school! My official training will start next week and in September we plan to run a Fall DTS! We have lots of people all meeting and planning about what running a school with Covid-19 will look like, and we trust that just like He has before, Jesus will make a way. I believe that covid is hardly a speed bump for the Gospel going out! 

    Being back on campus has been such a blessing additionally because I felt that lack of community due to Covid-19 back home, just like many of you have. Corporate worship, prayer and intersession meetings, and beautiful times of fellowship have also been part of the last week. I know that everything has changed and looks different in this season and I know it has effected everyone in different ways- SO if you want prayer, want to FaceTime, or even a weekend coffee date (via zoom) I would LOVE to pray with you, hear how you’re doing, and share about the faithfulness of God.

P R A Y E R    R E Q U E S T S

  • Prayer for wisdom and grace in learning the in’s and out’s of being on DTS Staff.
  • Prayer for me (my teeth problems) and everyone on campus to stay healthy!
  • Prayer for the students coming this fall.
  • Prayer for new, creative and practical ways to share the Gospel!

    Thank you so much to everyone who has been part of me getting to Montana and for the endless prayer and support!

Prayer and Blessings,


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