Blog 21/ Ready, Set, Praise.

The now and not yet |

            I don’t know about you guys, but since this quarantine started, I’ve begun challenging myself in different ways. I’ve been reading more, writing more, sitting more and praising more! (workout where ya at??). As I continue in my SBS, my eyes are being opened to the depth of Gods love, and His heart for injustice. I’ve felt challenged by these things.

He’s calling me to step out of my comfort zone, and continue moving forward in faith! He’s challenging me to love deeper, wait longer, and praise louder!

While some of our timelines have been changed, our plans, hopes, and maybe even futures as well, one thing hasn’t changed-Jesus. His faithfulness and His call! He is always worthy of our wholehearted praise! Despite the changes, this is still the year of the Bible. We are still called to live and be outward focused, and love those around us and far from us!

As many of you know I was accepted to be on staff with YWAM Montana, and even during a pandemic, I feel the deep urgency to go. I feel the excitement, like waiting for flowers to grow! It’s the excitement of making disciples among all the nations (Mt.28:19-30) and taking the Gospel everywhere! It’s been such a privilege to still have this opportunity in front of me to to plan and prepare for this next season in Mt.

In order to keep moving forward, I am in need of a team! A team of people who are excited to partner with me financially and prayerfully! Maybe you feel the call to go but can’t at this time. Im reaching out to those of you who believe in me, and passionately desire to see the gospel go out. I need People who want to partner in the training, sending, and equipping missionaries! 

If you’d like to pray and consider being part of this, I would be more than excited to call you or meet up with you!! 

Within like 6 ft or something ;) 

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:19-20‬ ‭

This is one thing that hasn’t changed- Through this we get to love deeper, wait with purpose, and praise Him louder!

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  • #1

    Peggy Sue Patterson (Friday, 15 May 2020 10:08)

    Kylie, I am excited to see God's plans for you.