Blog 12/ Just Be

       Hey guys! Как дела? This is how you ask, ‘How are you’, in Russian. I’ve been learning Russian for about 2 months now, and let me tell you, it’s challenging! One of interesting things I learned about the question как дела (pronounced ‘Kak dehla’) is when asking this, it hold much more weight than our passing by, simple “How are you?” It’s much more intentional. “How are you doing? How is life? Are you well?” The answer doesn’t hold a smile and automated “goodhowareyou” as we’ve made it, one worded response. Intentionality is required to ask this, and a heart that truly wants to know how that other person is. We (especially Christians) need to live intentionally. 

       I have lots of friends all around the states, and even different countries -and keeping in contact with them, and staying in fellowship REQUIRES intentionality! That means that I send snail mail to Lauren (IL), that I Marco Polo Emily as often as we remember it’s a thing HAHA (MI), I’ll remind my Canadian friend how cool she is, and Stay up SO late messaging friends all around the states.  If I could drive or fly to all these places, and many more, (you Golden people know who you are💛) to visit ALL my friends I would! But it’s not realistic. 

       The same goes with Jesus. Christianity isn’t about rules you must follow and things you’ve got to do-it’s about a relationship & friendship with Him.  Just like when you spend time with friends, you become more like them, it’s the same with Jesus. You become more and more refined the more you spend time with Him! It’s not about doing good things and becoming a good person, it’s about obedience because of love for Jesus, because of what He did for us. Does that make sense?? And just like any other relationship, I have to set realistic goals. —->For me, waking up at 4:00 am and spending time in the Bible and talking with Jesus until I go to work isn’t my thing, but but to give Him my first. Though, maybe that’s what you love. I don’t tell myself I MUST read 8 chapters of a book to say I had “good quiet time” but just like every relationship, mine will look different from yours. 

       Just be. This is what Jesus asks of me. To lay down my worry of being good enough, and thinking I need ‘to do it all.’

To wake up and thank Him for another day. To go throughout my day thinking about Him. To spend time in the Bible (this is a way He speaks to everyone) and to pray. Pray when I’m sad and Pray when I’m happy. Prayer isn’t a religious thing, it’s talking with Jesus. It’s telling Him how you feel and what you like. It’s talking to him about the weather, and bringing Him the things that scare you. It’s being intentional with Jesus. Why? Because He cares about what’s on your heart.

       And as His daughter, it’s my joy to do the same! I want to be intentional with you! 

       So How are you, как дела? Are you in a place of doubt and have no purpose? Are you like me a year ago, when I lost all hope? I had nothing to live for, and had no identity. My happiness came and went like the wind. 

Are you just good? Responding like this, yet actually hoping someone will stop and ask it again, but with more intentionality?

I care, because Jesus cares. Because 


“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:18‬ ‭ESV‬‬ (The whole chapter!)



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